Interior & Exterior Landscape , 2015, acrylic paint on polyester and cardboard. Photograph: Anna Cuthill  From the  Trans-aesthetic  series, 'Interior & Exterior Landscape' performs a kind of disappearing by emphasising the transitive
  Large Painting in Six Parts , 2014, acrylic paint on canvas, 160 x 1000 cm (total). Photograph: Chris Bennett  This image has been digitally altered to include two instantiations of the painting on display, (right side) in full and aligned to read
  Domain , 14, timber, polyester, and acrylic paint, 340 x 500 x 340 cm. Photograph: Tawfik Elgazzar.   Domain  engages with the interrelationships generated between notions of outside and inside, frame and painting, gallery and artwork. The work hig
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